8 Reasons Why Better Nutrition Makes You a Better Developer

Ref: 8 Reasons Why Better Nutrition Makes You a Better Developer

So this one isn't from me, but I thought it was worth giving some love to on here. Definitely worth the few minutes to read through and stuff that I very much agree with. Many thanks to Valeri Karpov over at The Code Barbarian for putting together such an epic piece!

As you may (or may not) already know, I've been doing the paleo thing for about a year now, following the Bulletproof diet by Dave Asprey, and thanks to it i'm pretty much feeling the best I have in as long as I can remember.

Read the full article at the link.

Software developers are not known for having the best nutrition. When it comes to development work, the stereotypical late night Red Bull-fueled coding binge is often not too far from the truth. It...